Tuesday, January 25, 2011

If I were to put all of the plastic bags in my house into one bag, where is the bag I put them all in?
If a room has four walls, where is the room that has four walls?

Friday, January 7, 2011


So what are we doing here? Simply, we're talking and thinking about meditation: but not just any old meditation, but specifically Vipassana -- Mindfulness Meditation. 

Mindfulness sounds simple in theory but is complicated in practice,  as we are training ourselves to be present in the moment -- to "be here, now" -- and not be distracted by the physical (tension) , emotions (desire), or thoughts (focus). Easier said than done!

What this blog is: It's my take on the mindfulness experience, and whatever I can explicate and regurgitate from my own practice and the teachings of others. While I acknowledge that this practice is associated with and derived from the Buddhist tradition, I am more interested in exploring the integration of that tradition and the transference of the method to a traditional Jewishly-oriented lifestyle. 

What this blog is not: How and Why to meditate, or why one method is "better" than another.

Feel free to leave your own musings. Welcome aboard!